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Triple Spiral Speaks

Online Via Zoom

Wednesday 15th January




January topic: RECEIVING


With my background in psychotherapy & Celtic shamanism & having traversed a vast amount of life experiences, I, Sinéad, invite you in truth & safety to this experiential, alchemical space.


As we move deeper into this time of transition, I have heard a call to bring together the 3 archetypes of womanhood in Ireland.


This began in September of this year & 9 women embarked on a deep journey through a 6 week container. We emerged with more clarity, more connected but ultimatley with the sense "this is only the beginning". A sense that this container is uniqiue in the way that it allows intergenerational conversations to be had whereby this may not be possible within family systems, for example. There is so much more work to do through speaking into the shadow in a held space. We too speak into the light & joy of course! There are so many more women to be a part of this journey, whether it's for one morning or ten.


This has led me to create a monthly online call for us to drop inward together & speak on behalf of the archetype we feel most connected to on the given day or the part that needs to be seen/heard/reconciled. Read below where this emergence began within me to create this opportunity for us as Irish women.



There has been friction within the archetypes of  maiden, mother & crone for centuries. I wish to open a space to unravel & reweave this spiral with you from deep truth, love,  & respect.


Within this container, we all meet as equals.

We will converse openly about both the gifts & challenges of each archetype & how best we can co-create/ support one another.


We will go on guided journeys inward together to unveil what's been hiden from our awareness as individuals & on a collective level. 


Sponsorship available for those unable to make a contribution but wishing to attend. Please email for more details. 



This gathering will occur the first Wednesday of every month online via zoom. In person gatherings will be advertised separatley. You can register each month for each individual session & attend as you hear the call to join meaning our group will change & evolve each month. 


Triple Spiral Speaks

  • Places are limited to ensure group depth & safety. 


    An email will be sent within 24 hours of the call with zoom details. 

2022 Remember who you are

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